For those of
us who are teachers or students, a new school year signifies a fresh start
after a time of renewal and refreshment over the summer. Sometimes over the
summer, I pull out old ideas that have been forgotten or disused and remind
myself of things that I would like to be doing but that have been neglected
amidst the daily distractions of life and work. The need for renewal and
refocus is not so much a need to learn something new, but to regain perspective
and be reminded of what is truly important.
I recently had the opportunity to go to a ladies
retreat with some women from my church, appropriately called a “Renew
Conference.” This year the sessions centered around the character of God, and
we focused on His ability, knowledge, and goodness through the lives of Sarah,
Job, and Joseph.
In the life
of Job, we get an inside look at why Job was suffering as he was, and we are
told that God was sovereignly using it for His own purposes. We are shown the
dialogue in heaven between Satan and God and learn that Job was entrusted with
this suffering by God Himself in order to prove the genuineness of Job’s faith
and ultimately to bring great glory to Himself.
however, was not made aware of this, and nowhere in the book do we see that God
ever revealed to Him why he was suffering. In fact all throughout the book we
see evidence that Job is asking the question “Why?” and never does receive an
answer to this question. In fact, for 37 chapters God is silent while Job’s
friends accuse him without cause and while he pours out his anguish and
questions to God.
At the end
of the book, when God finally speaks, it is not to answer Job’s
questions or to vindicate him, but to redirect his focus away from his
situation and his own righteousness to God’s presence, power, and infinite
knowledge. He had heard about God and had knowledge about God, even fear of
God, but now his understanding of and faith in God was being tested. Through
his suffering, he was not learning any knew theology about God, but God was
bringing him back to the fundamental truths of who He is and the fact that He
cannot be neatly fit inside the box that we try to put Him in according to our
finite understanding. He is so much bigger than that and is beyond any
comprehension that we think we have of Him.
There are
times in life when our circumstances do not seem to match with our view of God,
and that can lead to confusion, discouragement, and even anger. Sometimes we
don’t ever get an answer to why God is allowing something hard in our lives,
but when we are consumed with WHO, rather than WHY, we have truth we can cling
to in order to take our focus away from ourselves and the situation and towards
the One who has perfect knowledge and sovereign control over it all. Even more
than that, He is the One who has promised to work all things for good for those
who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Rom. 8:28-29), and this
should be enough for us to trust Him even when we don’t understand.
A very
interesting passage that has many similarities to the book of Job is Psalm 44.
This psalm starts off with the psalmist declaring that he has heard about God
(similar to what Job said in Job 42:5), about all that God had done for His
people in the past, and His mighty works on their behalf. But then we see the
psalmist struggling to reconcile what he knows about God with what he sees
currently in his own life and the lives of his people, much like Job struggled
to make sense of what was happening in his life in light of what he knew about
God. God appeared not to be keeping His promises, to be silent, even to be
asleep (Ps. 44:23)!
Through the confusion and the questions, Job was
able to persevere as he waited for God’s answer, because he was clinging to the
hope of seeing God (Job 19:25) and of knowing that God was at work in his life
to bring about a beautiful end result (Job 23:10). As I wait, I should be
consumed with knowing Him better and finding out what He wants to do in my life
through the circumstances He has wisely and lovingly brought into my life. As I
spend time in His presence, I can claim His promises and expectantly wait for
Him to work!